Dear IAFSB community,

Comparative Cartilage & Bone Biology, CC&BB is the next conference in the spirit of IAFSB.

June 10-13, 2025 in Banyuls-sur-Mer, southern France

The fossil record and extant species provide us with a enormous diversity of skeletal tissues and with an amazing variety of designs and developmental pathways. CC&BB welcomes contributions from disciplines such as palaeontology, developmental biology, evolutionary biology, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, biomineralisation, molecular genetics, human medicine and dental research. CC&BB is, however, not another “model organism” conference. CC&BB is for those interested in comparative skeletal biology across the vertebrates, to place the skeleton of farmed animals, such as salmon, or biomedical models, such as zebrafish or mice, in an appropriate evolutionary, developmental and functional context.

As it has been the case for IAFSB, excellent sciences will take place at a beautiful location. CC&BB 2025 will take place June 10-13 in Banyuls-sur-Mer. The Marine Biological Station in this beautiful Mediterranean town close to the Spanish boarder will host the conference.

The CC&BB organisers
Melanie Debiais-Thibaud
Ann Huysseune
Mason Dean
Eckhard Witten

CCBB Webpage Link


IAFSB 2022
Sixth Conference: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology, Olhão, Algarve, Portugal. November 9-12

From Fossils to Farming to Biomedical Research.
From Sharks to Salmon and Zebrafish.
As always: Excellent Science at a Beautiful Location.

IAFSB conferences promote the dialogue between experts from different disciplines that have a common interest in fish skeletal research and comparative skeletal biology. Participants come from disciplines such as Evolution and Development, Developmental Genomics and Proteomics, Paleontology, Biomedical Sciences and Regenerative Medicine, Ichthyology and Systematics, Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics, Aquaculture, Fish Pathology, Fish Nutrition, and others.

The emphasis of IAFSB is to facilitate discussions, to promote the exchange of ideas and concepts during, before and after the sessions. The conference will be live (no streaming, no online contributions). IAFSB typically accommodates up to 100 participants.

Key Note Lectures:
Mélanie Debiais-Thibaud, University of Montpellier, France
…about skeletal tissues in cartilaginous fishes 
Ann Huysseune, Ghent Univ. Belgium & Charles Univ., Czech Republic
…about development and evolutionary origin of the vertebrate dentition
Antonella Forlino, University of Pavia, Italy
…about zebrafish as  a  model for  osteogenesis imperfecta


IAFSB on Facebook

P. Eckhard Witten & M. Leonor Cancela

Scientific Committee
Clara Boglione, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Gert Flik, Brian K. Hall, Matthew P. Harris, Ann Huysseune, Santosh P. Lall, Marc Muller, Stefan Schulte-Merker, Christoph Winkler

Local Organizing Committee
Vincent Laizé, Paulo Gavaia, Natércia Conceição, Joana Rosa, João Santos

Web Design
Evi Desender



IAFSB 2022 will have an open satellite meeting of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network Biomedaqu (November 12).  Early Stage Researchers will present the results of their PhD projects. Fish skeletal biology related to aquaculture,  biomedicine and basic research.  

Click on the  logo for more information.